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Lore Series (Material)

Lore Series (Cards)

Promotional Cards

Chibi Series

Population Report:

LLS-001 - "Stormage: Pyrozin" - 125

LLS-002 - "False Ashes of Rimesoul" - 125

LLS-003 - "Ryoko, Lady of the Jademist" - 125

LLS-004 - "Kindlemage: Kasai" - 125

LLS-EN005 - "Lilith, Maiden of the Sun" - 125

LLS-EN006 - "Astralillies: Rosalie" - 100

LLS-EN007 - "Magikitten: Fuwafuwa" - 50

LLS-EN008 - "Celeste & Talos" - TBA

LLS-EN009 "Caelum, Crimson Gloom" -TBA

LLS-EN010 - "Dracloud Underling: Talos" - TBA

LLS-EN011 - "Jayce, Unyieling Blade" -TBA

DISC-EN001 - "Come One! Come All!" (Aisu, Jayce & Talos) - 125

DISC-EN002 - "Come One! Come All!" (Sophie, Kasai & Three Leaves) - 125

DFWC-EN001 - "Come One! Come All!" (Celeste, Caelum, Runty & Kordesii) - 150

PR23-EN001 - "Adventure Awaits" - TBA

ARAC-EN001 - "Notes of the Akashic" - TBA

KSPR-EN001 - "Undying Wish, Eryia's Forgiveness" - TBA

KSPR-EN001 - "Undying Wish, Eryia's Forgiveness" (Script) - TBA

KSPR-EN002 - "Ryoko, Lady of the Jademist" (Quote Foil Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Silver Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Gold Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Red Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Orange Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Green Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Blue Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Purple Relic Stamp) - TBA

KSPR-EN003 - "Synthesis of Fate, Vagabonds" (Gold Rainbow Relic Stamp) - TBA

CHIBI-EN001 - "Oddling: Psymon" - 125

CHIBI-EN002 - "Runthimus, Indomitable Will" - 125

CHIBI-EN003 - "Ryoko, Lady of the Jademist" - 150

CHIBI-EN004 - "Kindlemage: Kasai" - 150

CHIBI-EN005 - "Dracloud Underling: Talos" - TBA

CHIBI-EN006 - "False Ashes of Rimesoul" - TBA

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